Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Site is Online...Now What? is now online, and I can see all the traffic I created on Google Analytics...pretty cool.  What should I do next?

Getting incoming traffic
There's some low hanging fruit when it comes to getting more traffic.  One of the most important things is getting your site visible either on other sites, or to people that have a large network of people that might be interested in your site.

For starters, I've updated my LinkedIn and Google Plus profiles to link to my site.  Though this doesn't really seem to be targeting a specific audience, most of the people I'm connected with are in my field, and it's easy.

The other thing I did was add a link to my accessibility page on the Wikipedia accessibility page; it's the second item in the results after searching on web accessibility.  I've also submitted my site on a couple tumblr pages dedicated to sites built using Bootstrap.  The are several other places like this I can link to my site from.

Understanding and reacting to incoming traffic
I've now had a couple hundred users from multiple countries view my site, and here's what I've learned:
  • Almost all of my users keep their browsers up to date.  As much as it might be cool to say my site not only supports all major browsers, it supports older versions of browsers, as well; my philosophy is, if hardly anyone will benefit from it, why spend time and effort on it.
  • Most of my users are using iOS or OS X.  I'm interested in Bootstrap's support for responsiveness.  Since I've got a lot of iOS users, it makes sense to spend some time on this.
  • Only one user came in using IE.  At least the user was using IE 9.  They were also from the home of Cable 10 and Stan Mikita's Donuts.
  • Traffic was basically split between web accessibility and an app I'm building to determine how awesome you are.  This information makes prioritization easy.  I'll spend about 70% of my time on these 2 pages, and the rest on everything else, including doing things to help me better understand why I'm not getting traffic to other pages.

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